Learn to Connect with Your Intuition

- Your Inner Guide -

Live a More Peaceful and Joyful Existence in Harmony with Your Soul’s Unique Purpose


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My Story

Dear Reader,

Intuition pulled me into the light, out of the dark night of the soul.

Intuition saved me from a life of unhappiness by resolving a crisis and several challenges in my life. It served me well at crossroads where I was confused and had to make hard choices. 

Intuition guided me toward answers that yielded treasure far greater than I had imagined possible. Then and now, intuition helps me to feel whole and complete. It enables me to live with meaning and purpose. 

Intuition teaches me how to “Align with the Divine” – that is, live a more peaceful and joyful existence in harmony with my soul’s unique purpose. Intuition reveals to me the gifts I am meant to share. 

In 1996, I was a new grad, practicing as an occupational therapist (OT). Occupational therapy was the most holistic profession in healthcare that I knew of at the time because it looks at and treats the whole person – the body, mind, and spirit.

Within my first year of practice, I became aware that for me to be able to provide therapy to people, they needed to be already significantly limited in their functional ability. 

I longed to find out if there was a way to help prevent people from becoming so sick, but I began to see that if I stayed in mainstream healthcare, I would not be part of the solution. 

I felt that stress was a major contributor working against health and healing, and I was debilitated by the fast-paced setting and managed-care insurance guidelines that precluded providing more than 50 percent of what I had learned in school – 

The beautiful OT scope of practice I had imagined was, in practice, primarily a fantasy. 

I was just getting started out and already feeling the negative effects of stress and impending burnout. 

Something didn’t feel right. 

But I had been training for this for many years. Wasn’t this what I was supposed to do? 

Intuition and inner knowing began pulling me away from my safe, secure, and socially acceptable full-time job with benefits; listening to it, I moved toward a new, yet-undiscovered path. 

Even though it was scary, and I didn’t know exactly where I was going, I knew I wanted to be on the other side of healthcare (or literally, “sick care”).

In less than two years after graduating as an OT, I embarked on a path of listening more fully to my intuition and what was calling me. 

What if I had ignored my intuition? 

I would have continued to experience tremendous anxiety, depression, and frustration for not following my heart. 

I would have felt I was part of the problem versus the solution. 

What if I had stayed stuck because I didn’t know how to create another way?

Same answer. 

How did I learn what to do? 

I kept listening to my intuition. 

Here’s what my intuition told me: 

I am drawn to learning about more ways to help with health and healing than are found in mainstream healthcare. 

Following that initial pull, I heard about – and paid attention to – something called energy healing. In 1998, I began a two-year program studying medical qigong energy healing at the first holistic health and wellness center in St. Paul Minnesota. 

I soon began working at the front desk of the center and moonlighting at a restaurant to make ends meet – this is where I met my chef husband! It’s amazing how the universe works. 

I have now worked in the healthcare field for more than twenty years as an occupational therapist (OT) and integrative medicine practitioner. I have also provided guidance and care as a mystic, intuitive healer, massage therapist, reflexologist, energy healer, healthcare education instructor, and writer. 

My intuition has guided me on an unconventional career path toward holistic, complementary, and integrative health, wellness, and prevention care. 

Over the years, I’ve met regularly and practiced with an intuition teacher and four other people. They were the ones who initially gave me the confidence to apply intuition to my personal life and to professionally help others. 

I began teaching intuitive development classes in 2006, and I have taught thousands of people how to connect to, listen to, and trust their intuition. 

In 2020, I wrote the book Intuitive Development: How to Trust You Inner Knowing for Guidance with Relationships, Health, and Spirituality, which is also a companion book to the Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing Class. 

Listening to my intuition led me to teach others to learn how to connect with and trust their intuition to assist them to be healthier and happier in all aspects of their lives. 

I would like to show you how you can do the same.

I would like to help you connect with that deep knowing within you: your inner wisdom.

The world needs your gifts. 

Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L

Intuition: A Different Way of Knowing 

Have you ever had a “gut feeling,” a “hunch,” or an “inner knowing” about something happening in your life, but you couldn’t explain your impressions in rational terms? 

Chances are it was your intuition communicating with you. 

Our thinking, judging, worrying, and analytical, rational minds tend to dominate us, but there is another way of knowing that is always trying to get your attention, always trying to help you become more completely you. 

This different way of knowing is referred to as “Intuition”. 

Research shows that intuition is an experience common to most humans, and it may be the most universal, natural ability we possess. 

A whopping 94% of the general public report having had at least one type of intuitive experience, and on average, people reported having had eight different types of experiences. 

Intuition, therefore, could be regarded as an innate ability or unlearned gift that we can all learn to develop. 

Many people believe intuition reflects our true selves. 

Connecting with your intuition may be like inviting a loving and full-of-light part of yourself to emerge and come forward – a built-in, unbiased friend who gives the best advice. 



A Different Way of Knowing
Get to know yourself. You’ll learn how to tune it all out and turn your attention inward.
How Intuition Can Assist You 
Bring the inside out. Show up as the most authentic version of yourself every day.

How Intuition Can Assist You 

Ask yourself these questions: 

  • Do I want help making the best decisions that will lead to more fulfillment and greater happiness in my life?

  • Do I want to have a clearer picture about why I am here? How to fulfill my life purpose? Or how to bring my special gifts to the world? 

  •  Do I want to be more satisfied and improve the areas of my life related to health, work/career, family, relationships, finances/abundance, or spirituality? 

  • Do I wish there were some wise being who could tell me the best choices to make? 

  • Do I want to find meaning, purpose, or a deeper understanding about why I’ve had certain experiences – and how to move forward in positive ways?

  •  Do I want to learn how to connect to, listen to, and trust my intuition that is always there to guide me in all aspects of my life? 
  •  Do I want to feel more peaceful and joyful? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, I have good news for you, learning to listen to and strengthen your intuition can lead to your ability to achieve these things – and they are just some of the benefits of intuition.  

Here’s several more benefits of intuition: 

  • Increase focus and problem-solving, 
  • Restore calm and balance for anyone who experiences over-thinking, worry, stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 
  • Assist those who are extra-sensitive to discern their own thoughts, emotions, and energy versus those coming from others or the environment, 
  • Improve health, healing, disease prevention, and wellness, 
  • Stimulate creativity, imagination, and innovation,
  • And so much more. 

Thousands of clinical practice sessions and the many classes I have taught helping people access their intuition, as well as my own personal experiences, have confirmed for me the validity of much of the research about intuition. 

However, no amount of research will help a person understand intuition. 

To understand you need to experience, not just read about, the phenomenon. 

Your best guide and teacher is often you – accessed by looking within.
Let your personal experiences validate your intuition. 

Connecting with Intuition

Being connected to your intuition is like letting the mud settle from the water in your mind until it is clear. 

There are several ways to help the mud settle. 

Any activity that puts you in the relaxation response state can connect you to your intuition.  

The relaxation response is our “rest and digest” response. It delivers many health benefits, including helping our minds and bodies feel calmer, thus better able to connect with intuition.  

The relaxation response is the antidote for the stress response that can cause our “fight, flight, or freeze” actions. 

While meditation is one of the best ways to connect with your intuition and develop it, there are numerous others, such as: 

  • Guided imagery,
  • Yoga, 
  • Spending time in nature, 
  • Going for a walk, 
  • Prayer or connection to your higher power, 
  • Listening to music or sounds, 
  • Dancing, 
  • And many more. 

Throughout the Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing Class you will learn and practice various ways to connect with and develop your intuition. 

Speaking of the class, let’s take a look at what will be covered over the course of four 2-hour sessions.


Connecting with Intuition

The Intuitive Development:

How to Trust Your Inner Knowing Class Details


You’ll learn:

  • What intuition is, including learning to discern what is intuition and what is not, 
  • Where intuition comes from, 
  • How you may perceive intuition, 
  • And the many benefits of intuition.   


You’ll gain experience connecting with intuition, including learning and practising:

  • Various types of meditation, 
  • Guided imagery techniques,
  • Creating your own intuitive cards and learning how to work with them, 
  • Automatic writing techniques, 
  • And, learning how to listen to and identify the symbolism in your dreams. 


                                  Intuitive Cards, Ellen Schaefer


            (The subtleties you will discover in your intuitive cards will help you get in touch with the deepest parts of yourself)


You’ll experience energy healing modalities that support:

  • Increasing your experience of self-acceptance, self-trust, and self-love, 
  • Potentially allow for the healing of a wound in your life, 
  • And/or experience personal transformations. 

Before the class concludes, we will:

  • Explore the connection between spirituality and intuition, 
  • Learn ways to connect more deeply with your heart, intuition, spirituality, and the soul,
  • And learn how intuition can support your ability to discover and manifest your heart’s intentions.  


“In this thoroughly grounded book, Emmy Vadnais gives the reader a toolbox full of practical exercises for getting in touch with and effectively using their intuition. Highly recommended for anyone who’d like to advance beyond the occasional gut feeling and gain a more intimate and direct understanding of their full intuitive potential.” 


– Dean Radin, PhD, Chief Scientist, Institute of Noetic Sciences, and author of Real Magic and other books. 

“Our sources of inner wisdom are powerful and plentiful, but they await the proper nudge to unfold in our lives. In Intuitive Development, Emmy Vadnais provides keys to unlock this treasure. The benefits, she shows, are not just an increase in our menu of life skills, but also an abundance of joy and happiness as well.” 


– Larry Dossey, MD, author of One Mind: How Our Individual Mind is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why it Matters

“Over the years, I have been witness to many excellent books about intuition from [various] perspectives. In my estimation, this book by Emmy Vadnais ranks among the best of them. Emmy’s personal story motivated her to pursue this path in life. She found that looking within enabled her to uncover an inner strength and wisdom, as well as a gift for synchronicity, which had been missing in her life. It saved her from falling into a chasm of deep despair, and even led to her marriage. So, for Emmy, this is a very personal book. 

For you, the reader, this is a practical book filled with many excellent pointers and exercises. If you take them to heart, they will make a real difference in your life – just as they did for Emmy. If you are a student, a scholar, or a professional, you will find this to be a well-researched book beautifully augmented with the best references and endnotes.” 


– Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, Host and Producer for
New Thinking Allowed YouTube Channel

Start this self-paced course today! 

Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing Class was a live Zoom video course (2023) that is now available to you as a recording.  Register today and learn at your own pace.



Class dates and times:

Session 1: Recorded on October 28, 2023

Session 2: Recorded on November 4, 2023

Session 3: Recorded on November 11, 2023

Session 4: Recorded on November 18, 2023

Course Materials Needed: 

✍️ Journal, blank recipe cards, and colored pencils. 

Recommended Materials: 

đź“š Follow along with each chapter as Emmy guides you through the information and exercises in her book Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing. (Available to purchase on Amazon as an eBook, in paperback, or as an audiobook (narrated by Emmy).

Course Cost $249

Special Pricing at $199 for: 

  • New Thinking Allowed Volunteers,
  • Holistic OT Members, 
  • And The Intuition Summit Attendees.

CEUs for Healthcare Professionals:

8 CEUs are available for this course for a $25 fee. Add this option when registering. 

Register Today

Intuitive Development is the journey to the heart. Love is the answer.

The More you develop your intuition, the more loving you will be. 

As you live close to your heart – with more love, wisdom, courage, and confidence, the easier it is for you to be intuitive. 

The more in tune you are with your intuition, the better you will feel. 

You will more confidently make good decisions. You will experience better health or a sense of wellness, joy, peace, contentment, and connection to your own greatness while feeling more alive. 

The more alive you feel, the more satisfying your relationships with yourself and others will be. The more satisfied you are, the more positive contributions you will offer to the world, in turn evoking a stronger personal sense of meaning and purpose. 

Many blessings and much love to you, 

Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L  

Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey? 


Register today and learn at your own pace!

Register Today

About Emmy Vadnis, OTR/L

I am an Occupational Therapist, Intuitive Healer, Health Coach, teacher, consultant, and writer. I provide holistic and integrative healthcare and intuitive development education to healthcare practitioners and organizations. I am author of Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance with Relationships, Health, and Spirituality. I provide intuitive development coaching and training. I am the founder and director of the Holistic OT Community at HolisiticOT.org that supports OTs interested in or practicing integrative health, wellness, and prevention. I am CoHost of the New Thinking Allowed YouTube Channel with Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD at NewThinkingAllowed.com. I am in private practice in St. Paul, MN. My website is Emmyvadnais.com.Â